Can I use my own coupon/Groupon/promo code, etc on iGive?

In general, third-party offers will invalidate the Donation earned from your purchase.  This includes, but is not limited to an offer you receive directly from an iGive merchant.  If you take advantage of an offer or code provided in a merchant email, it may cause your donation to be reversed. 

Our merchants offer a variety of coupons and deals that will work in conjunction with iGive so that you can save money & your Cause will still benefit from a Donation.  These can be found throughout the site, on our Deals & Coupons tab and in the Specials Box for each brand if you have the Button installed.  Also, offers you receive in an iGive newsletter or email will not invalidate the donation.

You may not combine Donations with other Rewards, Points, Employee/Group pricing or Cash Back programs (including Credit Card 'malls', Rewards specific purchases, or cash back apps).

(Specials Box as it appears on the site)

Button - corner triangle