On Monday August 15, 2022 Microsoft mistakenly started reporting that the iGive Button, our browser add-on / extension for Microsoft Edge, contained Malware.
When we learned of this, we immediately reached out to Microsoft to get this corrected. As of 8/16/22, we have not heard back from Microsoft.
Microsoft simultaneously disabled the iGive Button from working in the Edge browser for desktops and laptops. The consequence of that is that users aren't automatically directed to stores, and that users no longer get the customized start page we call NewTab. That also means that users won't earn a Dime A Day.
We also immediately sent an email to our affected users.
We believe that this problem stems from Microsoft not reading the description of the new behavior included with NewTab. But until we hear from them, we can't confirm this.
We also believe / hope that when Microsoft fixes the problem, the Edge version of the Button will start working again automatically.
The Button still works fine in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari (NewTab is not yet deployed in Safari).