How to White List on Kaspersky

Sometimes anti-virus software like Kaspersky can mistakenly block iGive cookies or a specific igive vendor group.
If or one of our vendor groups are blocked you may need to remove the site from the blacklist, but it may be blocked again in the future. Only by adding it to the "whitelist" of allowed websites can you keep the site from being blocked again.
Here are the steps:

1. Launch Kaspersky and click "Settings."

2. Click "Protection Center."

3. Click "Settings" and toggle the Anti-Banner switch to "On."

Remove Sites From Blacklist

1. Click "Protection Center."

2. Click "Settings" and select "Anti-Banner."

3. Click "Configure Blocked URLs."

4. Select the blocked URL you wish to unblock and click "Remove."

Add Sites to Whitelist

1. Click "Protection Center."

2. Click "Settings" and select "Anti-Banner."
3. Click "Configure Allowed URLs."
4. Click "Add."

5. Type the domain name surrounded by a pair of asterisks or type the IP address of the site you want to allow. For example, type **or **.  If you are seeing a blank screen when you click on an iGive store, please look at the address bar and copy the information prior to the .com - that is the information you would white list.

6 .Select "Active" from the Status menu.


7.Click "Add."