You can now easily create your own special link to the iGive stores where you have a Registry or Wish List. You can share this link with friends so their purchases will benefit your chosen iGive Cause whether they are an iGive member or not.
First, add the store to your "Favorites" by clicking the +red heart icon next to the store name.
Next, go to the "
My Stores" page and you will see a special iGive link ("") which you can copy & paste.
This link can be used to allow people outside of iGive to support your cause.
Just post the link wherever you might put a gift registry link, like on a wedding information page, email signature, blog, facebook, etc. so your cause can benefit from your generous friends and family.
Make sure to tell people to use the special link to help support your Cause.
Article ID: 135, Created: 11/4/2011 at 10:10 AM, Modified: 5/18/2015 at 7:13 AM