It can take up to 30 days after items have shipped (or travel has commenced) for purchases to get posted to your account, although the average is about 10 days.So long as you were logged in to iGive, accepting cookies, and started out by using a link from our site, in our newsletter, or using the iGive Button to visit an iGive listed merchant, the transaction should get automatically recorded. When you successfully link to a store via, your visit will be immediately visible to you at being reported to us, it should be visible then at bonuses linked to being a first-time buyer are triggered after your first purchase is posted to your account.
If it's been more than 10 days and your transaction is missing, please use the Missing Transaction form at We use that form to both give you credit, and to figure out what went wrong.Please review any exceptions "Details" posted with iGive stores. Especially Powells: transactions at Powell's require you to use the Missing Transaction form. You still must start your purchase via iGive. Never miss a shopping donation opportunity!Install the iGive Button