Android App - Reminder Feature

The iGive Android App Version is here!

Besides shopping via the app, we offer a reminder service. You must manually enable this. 

Here is a quick video (no sound, feel free to pause if you need more time as it goes pretty quick):
Please note - the video may not be 100% accurate, as we've had to change some of the buttons for complaince to ensure you are clearly informed and can turn this on / off.

Additional technical details: This feature uses the Android Accessibility Service, meaning it's on all the time in the background and has privileged access. We ONLY use it to spot-check if you are visiting a partner store, and if so, pop the reminder and donation amount. We do NOT collect or send this data back to our servers; rather, we send the list of current partner stores to the app, and everything is done right on your device.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!